Full Paper Submission

Dear authors,

We cordially invite you to submit your fullpaper(s) to be published in peer-reviewed AIP Proceedings indexed by Scopus via the following link http://ugm.id/seamsugmfullpaper by September 2nd, 2023, at 11.59 PM GMT+7

Please pay attention to the following points for your fullpaper submission.

•      Use the AIP Conference Proceedings Template : on  Overleaf (Latex) or  AIP Proceedings Template Files (in Latex and Word)

•      Submit the file in a zip format. File should contains all source files and two pdfs: one complete fullpaper and one without any author identity (remove author’s names, email addresses, and affiliations). 

•      Name the submitted zip file in the format: <field abbreviation>_<first author fullname abbreviation>_<presenter number>. For example, use AM_NYM_101 for Applied Math with the first author as Noorma Yulia Megawati and the presenter number is 101. 

•      Field abbreviations are: AS (Actuarial Science), AL (Algebra), AM (Applied Mathematics), AN (Analysis), CO (Combinatorics), CS (Computer Science), ME (Mathematical Education), Statistics (ST), Other (O).

•      Presenter number is the sequential number of your name and your corresponding presented paper in presenter list (see  https://seams-ugm.id/2023/list-of-presenters/). If your paper is not written on the list, please use the number 00 as the presenter number. Particularly for paper presented in IARC, instead of presenter number, please use <IARC>

•      Name the tex file and pdf files in the same format as for the zip file, with addition <_nn> for the tex and pdf files without identity. Example : AM_NYM_101_nn.tex and AM_NYM_101_nn.pdf for the tex and pdf files without identity.

•      Fullpaper submission deadline is September, 2nd, 2023, at 11.59 PM GMT+7

•      After submission, authors will receive a correspondence reference number within five working days. Mention this number in the subject of any corresponding email sent to the committee. Enquiries should only be sent after the five-day period mentioned.

•      The review result notification will be sent to your email at the end of October, 2023. 

Should you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you very much.